Return Codes
● 0: Successful, no reboot required
● 1: At least one error occurred, no reboot required
● 2: No more updates available
● 3: No updates available that match your search (in combination with /severity, /classification, /product, /criteria, /match, /nomatch, /matchfile, /nomatchfile)
● 4: Invalid criteria specified (in combination with /criteria)
● 5: Reboot/shutdown initialized successful (in combination with /reboot or /shutdown )
● 6: Reboot/shutdown failed (in combination with /reboot or /shutdown )
● 7: Syntax error, wrong command
● 8: Invalid version, expiration date reached
● 10: Successful, reboot required
● 11: At least one error occurred, reboot required
● 12: Timeout reached (in combination with /maxtruntime)#
● 15: Reboot cycle successful
● 16: Reboot cycle failed
● 17: Not enough disk space